
GenSenses is our corporate DNA, which we apply in our day-to-day work. All the members of this family have ‘the gene’ that makes them who they are:

Focus on the team: Staff comes first and each new project is adapted to their needs and operations.

Emotional pay: We generate a favourable and satisfying work environment for the whole team.

Commitment: We train ethical and responsible ambassadors to work for a fairer and more balanced society.

Enhancing the gene: We value the best qualities of each person to enhance their skills.

We Balearic: We share our love for the destination, promoting Balearic culture and traditions.

Communication: We strengthen the front line of the company which is the team, voice and face of MarSenses

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+3% extra pay rise in the Balearic Islands hotel and catering trade agreement

100€ monthly team productivity bonuses

38.5 hours per week as of 1 June 2024

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What GenSenses means for our team


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